Just enter the month and year in the specified format and download the required RESS salary slip. There is no limit, where the Railway department provides the payslip online from the date of the online portal launch. How many months payslip allowed to download in AIMS portal?.Click on Download Payslip in PDF (Available in the first View at RESS Login).You may check there itself or download the document

Your complete pay details (Personal Details, Earning Details, Deductions, Summary) may display for the require month.Enter the details of the month and year in the given format as YYYYMM (Ex: 201912).Supplementary Income provides all the income details supplementary for the financial year.Yearly Summary allows downloading Financial Year Pay details.Salary allows downloading a particular month payslip.Click Salary / Yearly Summary / Supplementary Income.Press SALARY (Available at the right side, then you will shown with sub-options (Salary / Yearly Summary / Supplementary Income).Immediately a new page will open with employee name, Aadhaar Number and Employee Number and uploaded photo of employee Enter your employee user id and password (Submit the details which already registered).